Monday, August 23, 2010

Feels different

First off not real sure why when I went to look at my past posts it looks as if they are written with symbols and odd letters. Not real sure if that is just my computer or what I will have to check on that.
I have a question that I am going to ask all of you and then on my facebook. For the past two day I have been have a lot of trouble going to the bathroom. I feel the urgency and the awful burning but when I get there I can only go a little. I am in so much pain and now don't even get the relief of going to the bathroom. I have made a phone call to the doctors office and they are going to get me into see a different doctor on Thursday to see what is going on. I need so help now. I can't stant this it is hard to sit, lay or even sleep. Does anyone have any ideas.
Thank you!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Been Gone!

I have been so busy and just haven't taken time to keep up my blog. I am so sorry to all of you that have read it.
I have been to the urologist and they want to do the interstim therapy trial. The bad thing is that I have to come up with my cobra co-pay first. I have to come up with that real soon or I will not be able to keep that any way. I then made an appointment with a new primary doctor. When I got to my first appointment I was not doing very well (pain). She was asking all the normal questions and then asked me if I wanted that appointment to be the normal new tests or getting set up for the pain clinic. Wow! I wasn't expecting that, for the first time someone was offering to help me with my pain. I didn't even tell her how much pain I was in. God works in very odd ways.
My husband had a complete left knee replacement a month ago. He is doing very good. He has therapy three times a week and of course hates it. He is getting better and that is what counts.
We have moved and are completely unpacked and now finding all the little and big things that need to be fixed here. The good thing is that we are renting. I do love this house, I would buy it if we had the money.
My pain has been real bad but I don't have the time to think about me right now. I try really hard not to let my husband or anyone else know how much pain I am in. I normally lay in bed and cry after he has gone sleep. I have worked so hard to keep my diet within the limits that I can have. The sad part is that I find new things all the time that causes me problems. I have found even a small amount of soy sends my bladder into a fit. I know that everyone is different but when your doctor tells you that your bladder is more sensitive and seems to be in more pain than most of his other patients, I feel alone.
I know that I am not by reading the post on my facebook but I don't get a chance to talk to those people.
My best friend is having a lot of trouble with her gallbladder and can't get in for the test for a few weeks. She is in so much pain, but she did some research and found a diet that is suppost to help when you are having gallbladder trouble. The diet she is having to work with is very strict also. The good thing about her case is "Praying" after her test they will do surgery to remove it and she can continue on with life as if it never happened. She doesn't need the extra hassle of special diets and all the pain. What I wouldn't give to take all her pain from her. I am already in pain there is no need for everyone to feel like they wish they were dead.
I will start posting again and I pray that all my IC sisters are doing better. I pray for ya'll everyday. I am hoping that someone will come up with better medication then the ones we have. This is no life, staying home and when we do go out worrying whether or not there will be a restroom close enough. And then no matter what we do we are never out of pain. I don't think I have had a day that my pain level has been below a 5 in 8 months. What I wouldn't give to feel normal again, to have sex with my husband, to eat anything I wanted, to go for a car ride without paying for it with pain. There is so much I would like to have back and know it has become part of my life just to deal with the pain.