Friday, September 3, 2010

I have found some help

First off I am unsure why when I go back and look at previous post that they are just symbols? If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this problem please let me know.
I went to my pain clinic doctor on Thursday and was very happy. Not only am I getting some help with my pain but they called my urologist and got my lidocaine script made for a full month. Now I only have to pay 15 a month instead of 15 for 5 days. I am so happy that they are helping me.
Today I was able to be in less pain but this evening I have started having a flare up. In a way I am so worried that this could be a reaction to the medication. But I have 3 days before the doctors office is open again so that is 3 more days of taking the medication and praying that the flare up calms down.
Well, it is the holiday weekend and another one that I will not be getting out and enjoying. But I pray that with the new interstim thearpy trial that I am doing on the 28th this will be the last holiday that I will be stuck in the house because of my bladder. My husband wanted to go see his parents but that is over 4 hours away and no way that my bladder can handle the car ride.
I pray that my IC sisters will be able to get out and have a wonderful time this weekend. Heavens knows we all need to just have fun and relax.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Off to another Doctor

The past few days have been busy. I had a wonderful friend/little sister come over and see me for a day. I am trying to get the house cleaned and ready for winter. Yes, I know we just moved and it is probably clean to some people but I see a bunch of things that need to be done, vents are very dirty, cob webs on walls and ceiling (not sure how I am going to get all off the ceiling with it so high up) and more. My husband has PT three times a week but is able to drive himself now, that is a relief.
I have my Interstim Therapy trail scheduled now it is the fear of having it done, will it work or will it all be for nothing again. Just like the 9 DMSO treatments that I had done. I pray that it will help reduce the amount of times I go to the bathroom, even if it would only reduce the night time ones. I go to the bathroom at night between 12-15 times and that is me going to sleep at 11-11:30 and up 7:30-8. I often wonder how I am caring on durning the day.
Today I am off to sign a pain contract, a little nervous about what all is going to be required of me. But excited that I might get actual relief from the disease that has taken my life hostage.
In closing I hope that everyone is getting along better today than they were a week or even a month ago. So times we need to look at the picture of how do we feel today compared to last week or month. Maybe we have made advances. I love all of you and hate the fact that we are all in this fight together. I wouldn't mind caring the fight by myself so everyone else could live.