Saturday, April 10, 2010

How this journey began

I am starting a blog on advise of a wonderful lady with a disease that her family couldn't connect with. See before Feb. 03 2010, I was a very busy young lady. I was at the gym every morning for an hour and a half or more. I loved my job as a cook at a nursing home. The people were fun to work with. I didn't go to the doctor, because there was no need. I was in great health.
The evening of Feb. second I started feeling like I was getting a bladder infection. I haven't had a bladder infection in so many years. I went to the store and bought some cranberry tablets and started taking them. The next day off to work. Within hours I could barely walk. I was in extreme pain and it felt as if my bladder was falling out. I went to the urgent care clinic in the next town. Was given a shot of antibiotics and some pills to take when I got home, along with some pain killers. The next day no better I didn't even try to go to work. I decided the next day I would try work. I didn't even make it in the door of the building before I was doubled over in pain. Off again to the urgent care. Again more pills with no clue what was wrong. I was told if the pain wasn't better by Sunday to go to the ER. Well you can guess the pain wasn't better I believe it was worse. At the ER I was given more pills and told to come back tomorrow for an ultrasound and referred to a Gyno. doctor.
Monday came around I went for the test and got an appointment with the doctor for the next week. At the appointment my doctor felt that the pain was coming from my bladder. This means I needed to see an urologist. She gave me some meds. that she felt might help and started trying to get me in to a doctor.
During all this my bed has become my life. I would go from my bed to the bathroom. My bathroom breaks were running about 15 minutes apart day and night.
It took a lot of pulling of strings but I got into see an urologist doctor on my birthday. He was very kind and seemed to have some understanding of all this pain. He then set me up for a test that I had done on March 16. This is when my life changed, I was hoping that my bladder had fallen. Several women in my family have had to have their bladders surgically put back in place. That was not the case. I have Interstitial Cystitis, IC for short. This has no cure as anyone with this knows. Know I had to get all the information I could. I found that it was going to require a huge life style change. All the foods I love and grew up eating gone.
Even with the change in diet and taking special medication I have not seen a lot of relief in my pain or symptoms. I do sleep a little more, I have stopped drinking anything around 8pm and know I only get up every hour.
I still have to take pain killers, and stay mostly in bed. If I do much during the day I pay for it the next day. My love life is pretty much gone. My wonderful husband is trying so hard to understand this extreme change to his life also.
To any one out there that is dealing with this disease please write me and tell me what you have done to help you symptoms.
Next week I start DMSO treatments, my doctor is hoping that with these treatments I can get away from the pain killers.
If any one has medications that have helped take away the awful pain please let me know so I could talk to my doctor about them.
This is not the path I thought I would be going down, but since I am here I need to make it a good one.

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