Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Why is it that now when I do some of the things that I love I have to pay for it with PAIN and bathroom time. Yesterday I gave my dog (Chelsea) a bath, she needs one at least every week. Then I went to town to get some groceries and stop by the medical library for some good reading. It sure doesn't sound like much for the average person. But for me just the ride in the car is enough to make me wish for another life. I love the chance to see and pick out the food that I will be putting into my body. But it all comes with a price and the price for me is extreme pain that pain killer just lessen to a point that I can lay there with out crying all day. Not to mention the every 10 minutes up and in the bathroom. Days like this I think it would be better to move a TV into the bathroom, maybe a foot stool so that my legs would be a little more comfortable. WOW what a change for two months ago, I have to wonder am I ever going to get any of my life back or is this the best it will ever be.
Last night was about the same up every hour or even less. I am not sure how I can even function in the day time. I don't take naps for fear that I won't sleep that night. But at night I don't get very good sleep because I have to use the bathroom.
Well Thursday is my doctors visit and my first DMSO treatments, I am praying that this is what is going to give me my life back.
I pray for everyone that has chronic pain and their doctors are worried about them taking to many pain killers. I don't see any way that if you are in true pain you would become addicted. When my pain is light I don't even think about taking anything. It is only when the pain makes me cry. I hope there is something out there for all of us.

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