Friday, May 7, 2010

The Day after

Today is the day after treatment #4, I am in less pain than I was two days ago. But still in enough that I need assistance with the pain level. Today is laundry day, I believe that the garlic smell gets into the bedding and I want it gone. I am not able to stand for very long today, the feeling that my bladder is falling out is a little worse today. It is something that I can deal with, just don't get up and walk around as much.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I'm glad you found me online today. I'm so sorry you're in so much pain. As I mentioned in my previous message (but for the benefit of your readers), I do self-catheterization to give myself bladder instillations at home and I take oral medication as well. (The bladder instillations I do for my interstitial cystitis are not DMSO. I've never had that type). I'm sorry that you are in so much pain! You are not alone. There are many interstitial cystitis patients out there.

    Try not to overdo. It's very important to listen to your body and not overdo. I say this because I just finished reading all of your posts. (Yes, I said all). I fully understand the desire to stay active and absolutely understand wanting to keep up with the laundry (especially when the DMSO is causing such smell issues).

    However, pushing yourself too hard will result in "paybacks" later. I would suggest using safer alternatives for cleaning products such as baking soda. Baking soda is GREAT for handling odors and you can put it in the washing machine.

    Especially with the state of your health right now, I'd avoid commercial cleaning products. Unfortunately, many commercial cleaning products contain toxic chemicals that can add to your health issues.

    Hang in there!

