Friday, May 14, 2010

Treatment #5 Done

Yesterday was treatment #5, I have to say this was the first treatment that I have felt better for several hours after wards. I was able to hold the treatment for 45 minutes. I felt a little pain and discomfort so I took one pain pill. That worked, I felt good clear through to this morning. Today hasn't been terrible, I have felt the raw feeling (I hate that feeling like my bladder is an open wound.) and a small amount of pain. Again one pill calmed the pain down. I AM SO HAPPY!!
I did ask the lady that does my treatments about the feeling I get when I go outdoors, she doesn't think that it is anything big. I don't know what other people might be using on their lawns that could make me have a reaction. I am on an allergy pill already so maybe it will pass.
Still trying to figure out a place to call home for July. Not sure what city to hang our hats in, this one in case I can make it back to work (outside the home) or where my doctor's office is. I have been thinking about taking classes to do medical transcription. I need to get an updated computer and I think that would work for me. No car rides to work (since that is never a good one for me) and able to work it around how I am feeling. Still need to do a little more research on the issue.
Thank you to all that have keep me in your prayers, it is working. Love all of you.

1 comment:

  1. If you have noticed a pattern (i.e. increased or new symptoms when you go outdoors), I would take it very seriously.

    Generally speaking, our society is not well-informed about pesticides.

    Otherwise, why would medical offices, hospitals, and even cancer centers spray their lawns? (They should all know better). My friend (a breast cancer survivor) was appalled when she showed up for one of her radiation treatments to discover pesticide application flags (required in our state after recent spraying) at the cancer center!! Nothing like spraying cancer-causing agents at a cancer center! She was fuming!

    Now, I absolutely can't tell you with certainty that you are having a reaction to pesticides. However, the fact that the woman who administers your treatments "doesn't think it is anything big" does not mean that a pesticide reaction is out of the question, by any means.

    Also, an allergy pill would not provide you any protection whatsoever if you are reacting to a pesticide.

    I just wanted to throw this info out there in case you might actually be reacting to a pesticide.

    With the state of your health being what it is, you want to minimize exposure to anything that could aggravate your condition even further. (The last thing you want is to start piling other diagnoses on top of what you already have. I know from firsthand experience).

    Pesticides are bad for everyone... including healthy people. Healthier people may not be as likely to have a short term/immediate reaction to chemicals like pesticides but pesticides are unhealthy for all humans.

    I am not trying to scare you but to make you aware of just how dangerous pesticides are. I know how abundant spraying is in my part of the country at this time of year. It's a serious problem.

    If it were not for my own health problems, I would not have had the opportunity to learn as much as I have about pesticides. Your health is so fragile right now. The more environmental risks you can avoid, the better.

