Monday, May 3, 2010

Great News

I got some news today. My little sister lives with my husband and I, she pays some rent, she announced that she will be moving at the end of this quarter. She had intended on staying here till September, we were going to move then. I thought I had time to save up for the first last and deposit. (Used all that has been saved up since I have been out of work due to the IC.) I know that it is something that she feels she needs to do. It is just more added stress that I really didn't want at this time. I am so torn, do I find a place in this town where I worked till Feb. In hopes that I will get to go back to work! Or do I move 50 miles away where my doctors office is? I am so worried that I will do the wrong thing. I guess I had thought that by September I would have more answers. My next doctors appointment isn't till the middle of June. I will be moving by then. Of course I will know how I feel, at this time is not positive. My couldn't stand long enough today to do the few dishes that was in the sink. My husband went grocery shopping again today,and I had to stay home. I can't complain to much, I still am alive and I have hopes that I will get better. Another treatment on Thursday, this is the one that is going to turn it all around. I have to believe that it will work for me. I am still loosing my hair not large patches just more in the brush than normal, but I'm still taking the elmiron.

1 comment:

  1. Hi again!

    I don't know if your doctor explained this to you or not but Elmiron typically takes 3-6 months of taking it daily to really kick in. It looks like your IC started in February, right? So, it sounds like you haven't yet reached the 3 month (earlier part of that window) point yet. It's entirely possible that it will give you some relief. Needless to say, everyone's different but hopefully it will start bringing you relief soon. Hang in there!

