Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Getting ready

I am and have always been someone that needs to know that things are done (my way) correctly. I don't like waiting till the last minute to get things done or started. Since I know that we are for sure moving I need to start getting things done. I need to go through all my stuff (crap) and figure out is it really worth moving or should I give it up. I know that I have to do things in sections, that way I can control the amount of down time and pain. But the first thing that needed to be done wasn't really something that you could take a little at a time. It took all day I did spread it out but it had to be done all at once. We have an extra room and it has been used as storage, we probably won't have the extra room in the next place. So I needed to go through all that and figure out what went and what stayed. This way as I do get packed everything will go in the extra room. Great idea, but it still was a lot to tackle. It was amazing how much I was willing to say goodbye to when it was the thought of me having to move it and find a place for it. I loved some of the things, well most of them, but I couldn't keep everything it is to hard on a person to keep everything in their life.
Today is a case of I REALLY HURT!!! But there are going to be a few of these days that I am going to have to live with. After the move I will be able to rest, but hoping by doing a little at a time I won't have PAIN FROM HELL!
Tip for me and everyone else, Know what you really need to do and do no more than that. You know yourself better than anyone else. Don't let other people tell you that you have to do something or on the flip side that you are not able to because you are sick. That hurts me when someone says it. I should be the judge on what I can handle no one else. Everyone has a voice make sure yours is heard clearly.

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